Dales Pony

Dales Pony

Similar to the Fell pony, this breed can carry huge amounts of weight.

Historically used for carrying loads of lead ore from mines. Today, they can be found in both riding and driving.

Origin: England

Colour: mostly black, dark brown, or bay

Height: up to 14.2hh.

Conformation: head should be neat, showing no coarseness about the jaw or throat. An abundant long mane of straight hair cover a muscular neck that is well laid onto sloping shoulders. The body should be compact with strong loins and well sprung ribs. Short, well developed forearms set square into a broad chest; the quarters powerful and muscular, the hocks clean. The cannons should display an average of 8”-9” of flat flinty bone with well defined tendons. Their pasterns should be of good length and covered with ample silky straight ‘feather’.

Character: true pony character. Alert. Courageous, intelligent and kind.

Uses: Hacking.

Dales Pony Assocation of North America
PO Box 585 New Portland,
ME. 04954
Telephone Number: (207) 628 6061
Email: info@dalesponyassoc.com
Website: www.dalesponyassoc.com
Contact: Nan Berry (Secretary)

Dales Pony Association of North America
P.O. Box 880 Lucasville,
Ohio 45648
Tel: 740-493-2401
Fax: 740-493-0072
Email: info@dalesponies.com

The Dales Pony Society of America, Inc.
Dales Pony Society
Greystones, Glebe Avenue, Great Longstone, Bakewell,
Derbyshire, DE45 1TY
Tel/Fax: 01629 640439
Email: dalespony@dalespony.fsnet.co.uk
Website: www.dalespony.org
Contact: Mrs Jo Ashby (Secretary)