Connemara Pony

Connemara Pony

Ireland’s only native pony is elegant, intelligent and probably the best performance pony breed.

Their original breeding is lost in history, but it may owe much to Barb and Spanish horses introduced in the 6th century BC. In the late 19th century, Welsh blood was introduced, as was thoroughbred and hackney.

The Connemara Pony Breeders’ Society was set up in 1923.

Origin: Co. Connaught, Ireland.

Colour: usually grey, though may be black, brown or bay.

Height: between 13 and 14hh.

Conformation: neat, well-carried head, sloping shoulder, deep compact body, short legs.

Character: sensible, kind, intelligent.

Uses: riding, jumping, driving.

American Connemara Pony Society
2360 Hunting Ridge Rd
Winchester VA 22603
Phone: 540/662-5953
Fax: 540/722-2277
Contact: ACPS, c/o MaryNell Eyles

British Connemara Pony Society
Glen Fern
Somerset TA22 9RY
Tel/Fax: 01398 341490
Contact: Mrs S Mansell