The myth that surrounds the Morab most often is their status as a breed. A lot of people misunderstand and consider a Morab a part-bred while others have termed them half-breeds. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
Morabs (the get of an Arabian/Morgan breeding) are not half-Morgans or half-Arabian horses. They are Morabs, a breed. The fact that Morabs have the proven ability to transmit their distinguishing characteristics with a high degree of certainty to their progeny puts this misnomer to rest.
Only foundation stock or first generation Morabs possess both Morab registration and 1/2 Arab or 1/2 Morgan registries. Thus making them a triple registered animal.
Succeeding generations are then bred Morab to Morab to ensure the growth of the breed.
Origin: United States.
Colour: any colour excluding spotted.
Height: between 14.1 and 15.2hh.
Conformation: muscular through the neck which is of good length, have nicely sloping shoulders, a deep chest, a short compact back, and a muscular croup. The tail is set and carried high, and the legs are generally strong, powerful and sound.
Character: intelligent, dependable and affectionate.
Uses: n/a.
Purebred Morab Horse Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 203
Hodgenville, KY 42776
Fax/Voice: (270) 358-8727
International Morab Breeders Association
732 S. Miller Court Decatur,
IL 62521-1618
Tel: 217-428-5245
Fax: 217-428-5245
Purebred Morab Horse Registry
P.O. Box 280
Sherwood WI 54169
Phone: 920-687-0188 (Voice)
Fax: 920-687-0189